Carolina Fitness Experts Summer Specials & Closeouts

Summer Specials & Closeouts

** All sale prices and closeouts are subject to availability. Prices may change at any time.

Summer Specials Regularly Special
*New Item* Body-Solid Adjustable Dumbell 11-66 lbs. (Can be bought as a single or pair) $299 $230
3G Cardio Elite VS X Vertical Climber $2,399.00 $2,100.00
Body-Solid GFI225 Flat/Incline Bench $300.00 $200.00
Fitnex E55SG Elliptical $1,799.00 $1,360.00
Body-Solid T25 treadmill $1,700.00 $1,500.00

Closeouts and clearance Items Regularly Special

Consignment Items Regularly Special
Body-Solid Endurance B4RB recumbent bike $1,050.00 $500.00 w/ 2 years parts, 1 year labor warranty.
BH LK500E Elliptical $2,150.00 $1,000.00
Body-Solid 1550 gym w/ leg press $2,000.00 $1,000.00

*Prices subject to availability and may change at any time. All prices except consignments include free local delivery and setup. Cash back if customer takes equipment themselves.